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A member registered Aug 17, 2020

Recent community posts

could anyone tell me whether the fertility treatment of alexia is finished or still in progress? I saw some updates on that in the notes but wanna know if finished or not :) thanks in advance

when will we have demon transformation for MC and Alexia ?? would be nice :)

until now yes, i hope there will be more with peitho!!

(1 edit)

Hey there, i am currently stucked in the game because i failed to rescue karen after the boss fight on sublevel 2 due to high peversion. so i checked my questlog and it still says "investigate the forest" from the beginning :D is this a bug?? can i fix this somehow?

what/where would be the next main story part after the fight with karen ? THANKS in advance :)

edit: okay i just found out about the skip to content thing :D but still i would like to playthrough with my main savegame if possible

hey sommelier that would be awesome if i could continue my savefile! thanks for the information :)

just a some quick questions: is the steam version going to be automatically updated? does this corrupt savefiles? and is it possible in the current version to transform any of your slaves or alexia ;) thanks in advance!